Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces What You Should Know

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces What You Should Know

Apr 01, 2020

Invisalign treatment involves straightening your tooth by using customized aligners. The procedure uses virtual models and customization to come up with patent clear aligners.

You can use various approaches to straighten your teeth, but the main treatment methods are Invisalign and the use of traditional braces. It’s hard to choose the right procedures before your dentist assesses and advises you accordingly.

Why People Prefer Invisalign Procedures

Invisalign are More Appealing

Invisalign aligners are transparent, and they are customized using clear plastic material. Traditional braces, on the other hand, use metal pieces, installed on your mouth. Unlike the invisible aligners, they are made with colors.

Clear aligners keep your natural teeth in their natural state. People hardly notice aligners. Invisalign trays make your smile perfect; no one notices that your teeth are in a different shade. You may be uncomfortable to smile with traditional metallic braces.

Invisalign Trays are Removable

Traditional braces are challenging to the hygiene of your teeth since you can’t remove them and clean-up. When particles are stuck between metal braces, it’s not easy to remove them. For Invisalign aligners, you can remove them comfortably when you want to clean or floss your teeth. They are convenient since you can rinse the entire mouth and put them back.

Anything is Edible with Invisalign Aligners

With traditional braces, you are limited to a particular type of dietary. You can’t eat some food, which is sticky on the metal braces. Food that needs a lot of chewing should be avoided with metal braces. Hard food can damage the props or the wires that are installed across the braces.

To avoid food restrictions, you need to choose Invisalign aligners. You quickly remove the aligners, eat, clean your mouth, and put the trays back to their positions.

Invisible Aligners have more Comfort than Traditional Braces

Invisalign® in Brooklyn, Midwood, NY utilizes both traditional braces and clear aligners in straightening your teeth. Both approaches may have some discomfort due to the slight pressure against the teeth while trying to place them in the proper positions. However, Invisalign trays exert lesser force against your teeth compared to traditional braces.

Invisalign processes are more comfortable than metal braces. It’s not risky to cut your gums during the procedure since the Invisalign trays rub gently against the gum linings. Traditional braces near Brooklyn, NY, can also be your preference.

Why You Should Choose Invisalign Treatment

Below are some advantages of clear aligners

  • They control the movement of your teeth; thus no adjacent teeth clutching, grinding or wearing out
  • They are made of a customized material that perfectly fit your teeth.
  • They are useful in correcting a wide range of conditions, including teeth overcrowding, crossbites, spaces
  • between your teeth, open bites, and underbites.
  • Aligners are virtually clear treatment goes unnoticed by most people, since they are in invisible.
  • Invisalign aligner trays are comfortable to put on, removable, and smooth. You have an allowance of eating, brushing, and flossing your teeth with normalcy.
  • Invisalign treatment has convenient appointments since it requires a limited number of visits to your dentist.

You can straighten your teeth with ease by the use of aligners. Based on the rate of improvement; they can take a shorter time. Aligners are changed based on a weekly or monthly basis. If your condition is not severe, the treatment does not take a long time. You need to consult a dentist who will handle Invisalign® near you.

Could you be looking for a dentist near you Midwood, NY, we are at the World of Dentistry. Our team of dentists has worked for decades to offer you the best practices. We utilize the latest advancements in dentistry. Once you visit us, we shall take you through our various treatment procedures, including dental implants, veneers, bridges, and cosmetic dentistry.

We offer consultation on our services, make a diagnosis, and evaluate your condition. We give you an outline of the treatment options that best suit you. At World of Dentistry, we also perform smile makeovers to provide you with confidence.

If you intend to use alternatives to traditional braces, we provide Invisalign procedures to correct your misaligned teeth and straighten them. Find a dentist in Brooklyn that offers Invisalign® near you. At World of Dentistry, we offer the best dental treatment procedures.

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