Prevention of Gum Disease Is Easier Than Obtaining Gum Disease Treatment

Prevention of Gum Disease Is Easier Than Obtaining Gum Disease Treatment

Jun 01, 2020

Gum disease is a cause that is a major reason for tooth loss among adults. It can develop quickly because it is painless and you may not be aware of it until it is too late.

Gum disease can be treated by professional intervention but it would be better if you prevent gum disease from developing in the first place by preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth and gums with the indulgence of proper oral hygiene habits. Unfortunately, if the problem has already developed on your teeth the time to sympathize will not be available to you because you need to seek gum disease treatment from the dental clinic in Midwood, Brooklyn.

What Is Gum Disease?

This is a problem caused by plaque which or sticky layer of film containing microorganisms that constantly form on the teeth. The microorganisms create toxins that begin to damage the gums and the bone around the teeth.

It Is Abnormal to Have Bleeding Gums

During the early stages gum disease is known as gingivitis that causes the gums to swell, turn red and bleed. At this stage, the condition can be reversed and eliminated by brushing and flossing two times a day without exceptions. When this condition progresses to an advanced level it is called periodontitis where the gums and bone supporting the teeth become extensively damaged. If it is not attended to by a professional it can eventually lead to loss of teeth.

What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

You may suffer from any of the following symptoms which may indicate the presence of gum disease in your mouth needing you to contact a specialist for periodontal treatment in Midwood, NY. Your gums could be:

  • Bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth.
  • Become tender, swollen or red in color.
  • Experience gum recession where the gums will pull away from your teeth.

You may also be suffering from gum disease if you are:

  • Having bad breath that continues to remain with you.
  • You have loose teeth.
  • You observe a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.
  • Your partial or full dentures do not fit properly.
  • You have pus between your teeth and gums.

You must understand that your condition will not be painful in the early stages of gum disease.

Risk Factors of Gum Disease

The World of Dentistry mentions that bacterial plaque is the main cause of gum disease but other factors can also affect the health of the gums and increase your chances of developing the disease. Some of the factors identified include stress, smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition, certain medications, bruxism, genetic predisposition, and hormonal fluctuations.

How Can Gum Disease Be Prevented?

Taking good care of your teeth and gums by undergoing regular dental checkups with the dentist in Brooklyn, NY, which will also include a periodontal exam is a good way of preventing this problem. Some time invested in preventing the problem can improve dental and overall health and can prevent the need for gum disease treatment besides saving you money on expensive dental costs. The following suggestions can help you to keep your teeth, gums, and the supporting bone structures in good condition:

  • Brushing your teeth thoroughly two times a day to remove the film of plaque by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste designated for this purpose. Rinsing by itself will not remove deposits of plaque.
  • Cleaning between the teeth with floss or interdental cleaners to remove the microorganisms and food particles is recommended because these are areas that cannot be reached by the toothbrush. Gum disease in the early stages can be reversed simply by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Having a balanced diet is also essential. It is suggested that you have different types of foods from the basic groups like bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish. Limit having snacks between meals and the excessive use of sweetened soda pop.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups including a thorough periodontal exam. Professional cleanings are essential to prevent periodontal disease. Even after you have been treated for gum disease it is essential for you to continue the maintenance visits.
  • Avoiding the use of tobacco is also a requirement because tobacco can inflame the tissues of the gums and aggravate the existing periodontal disease.

If you allow gum disease to begin destroying the gums and bones around the teeth you will need intensive treatments because cleanings will cease to help you. You will need a periodontal scaling which is time-consuming and expensive than a routine cleaning because the progressed condition would have begun to destroy the gums and surrounding bone in your mouth.

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